5 BIG Mistakes Home Buyers Are Making in Austin (And How to Avoid Them)

5 BIG Mistakes Home Buyers Are Making in Austin (And How to Avoid Them)

Here are the five most common mistakes made by home buyers in the Austin area. The first mistake is having a search area that is too broad. With more options available in the market now, it is essential to narrow down the search area to find the best homes in the preferred areas. The second mistake is not learning enough about loan options and rate buy-down options. It is recommended that home buyers speak to a loan officer to understand their different loan options based on their income, credit score, and other factors. The third mistake is not driving around the areas included in the search to get a better feel of the neighborhood. The fourth mistake is not taking the time to meet with an agent to get educated on the home buying process and the current state of the market. Finally, the fifth mistake is not being realistic about what they can afford. To avoid these mistakes, the speaker recommends a free resource, co-created with Aaron Thomas from Neo Home Loans, that helps simplify the home buying process. The resource provides helpful tips, including understanding loan options and rate buy-down options, finding the right agent, and being realistic about what can be afforded.

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